Plymouth College Preparatory School, The Millfields, Plymouth, PL1 3SJ
Plymouth College Preparatory School, The Millfields, Plymouth, PL1 3SJ
Property Features
- Substantial conversion/development opportunity within The Millfields
- Approximately 1 mile west of Plymouth City Centre
- Total site area - 4.5 acres (1.8 ha)
- Freehold interest
Property Summary
The Millfields Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan confirms that the Ascot Building, the Food Technology Centre and the Maintenance Building were constructed between 1900 and 1945. Records confirm that St Dunstan’s Abbey Chapel was built in 1883 and the Sports Hall was constructed in circa 2005.
The Seller’s clear preference is to sell the entire Property in a single transaction.
A description of each part of the Property is provided on the next page.
Full Details
The former Plymouth College Preparatory School is located approximately 1 mile west of the city centre, within the well-known Millfields Estate. It originally formed part of the Royal Naval Hospital, which occupied the site from 1758 – 1995. The majority of The Millfields, which borders the Property to the north and west, has been converted and redeveloped since the closure of the hospital and now provides a range of residential and commercial uses.
The Property is bounded by Stoke Road to the east, Clarence Place to the south and The Millfields to the north-west and west. Captain’s House, which is situated to the north east of the main school building, was originally one of the College’s boarding houses and was sold in 2018 for conversion to high quality private residential apartments.
The Property benefits from three existing points of access through The Millfields from the north-west, the west and the south-west, as identified A, B and C, respectively, on the site plan. Craigie Drive is the principal private road through the Estate, providing access to Clarence Place, which is an adopted highway. This joins King Street to the east, which subsequently joins the A374 Western Approach.
The Ascot Building, situated in the centre of the site, is a detached property which provides approximately 39,663 sqft (3,685 sqm) gross internal area over three floors. The building is situated on a sloping site and as such, the lower ground floor is at ground floor level on the southern side of the property, adjacent to the playing field, as shown on the photograph to the left.
The main entrance is at ground floor level on the northern side of the building. A breakdown of the floor areas is provided in the table below and the floor plans are available in the Technical Pack.
Lower Ground 915 9,851
Ground 1,385 14,906
First Floor 1,385 14,906
Total 3,685 39,663
There are parking spaces located at the rear of the building together with an adjacent raised terraced area to the north as shown in the bottom centre photograph to the left. This former playground area has the benefit of planning permission (reference: 18/01323/FUL) for a new parking area, providing 25no. car parking spaces (including 2no. disabled spaces).
There is also an opportunity to provide additional parking spaces on the terraced area located on the southern side, adjacent to the playing field.
The principal access for the property will be from the north-west, via access point A, but the western access (access point B) may also be used on a limited basis and for emergency purposes.
The school playing field is situated to the south of the Ascot Building and extends to approximately 1.58 acres. If this land continues to be used as a sports facility, it will benefit from access via Mary Seacole Road, which ultimately joins Craigie Drive near to the entrance of the Estate (access point C). The alternative access to the land, if a change of use is proposed would be access point A. Access point B can be used for emergency purposes only.
It is proposed that this land will be sold subject to an overage provision to capture a proportion of any uplift in value achieved in the event that planning permission is secured for development in the future.
Further information is available in the Submission of Offers document in the Technical Pack.
The Sports Hall is situated in the south western corner of the site. It extends to approximately 7,603 sq ft (706 sq m) and comprises 2no. separate changing areas with toilets, 2no. offices, 2no. store rooms, a workshop and a full height sports hall.
Situated directly to the east of the building is an external tarmac surfaced tennis court. This has the potential to be used for car parking to service the Sports Hall, subject to securing planning permission.
The Sports Hall also has the benefit of an existing right of access via Mary Seacole Road, to the west of the Sports Hall (access point C). This right is subject to the Sports Hall remaining in use as a sports facility. The alternative access, if a change of use is proposed, would be access point A. Access point B can be used for emergency purposes only.
The Food Technology Centre is a single storey, octagonal building, situated to the north west of the Ascot Building. It provides an open plan space and extends to approximately 601 sq ft (56 sq m).
Externally, there is a small landscaped area to the east and north-east of the building.
The Chapel, formerly known as The Church of the Good Shepherd, is a Gothic style, Grade II listed building situated to the north of the Ascot Building and to the west of Captain’s House, which was sold by the College in 2018. It was constructed in circa 1883.
The building comprises approximately 3,252 sq ft (302 sq m) gross internal area on a single floor, although there is small basement, accessed externally from the northern side, which is currently boarded up. The Chapel consists of a large congregational area with a semi-circular chancel at the eastern end. The Chapel was most recently used for school assemblies.
There are 6 parking spaces situated immediately adjacent to the external walls of the building, together with an additional row of 10 car parking spaces directly opposite the entrance to the chapel along the western boundary.
The Maintenance Building is a single storey octagonal building, situated to the north west of the Chapel. It comprises an office, store room and workshop and extends to approximately 601 sq ft (56 sq m) gross internal area.
Externally, there is a fenced garden area on the east side of the building.
The Seller owns the freehold interest (title absolute) of the Property which is registered under three title numbers, namely DN365155, DN613753 and DN449429. Copies of the register and plans for each title are included in the Technical Pack.
A Transfer of the subject property in 1996 imposed various restrictive covenants, details of which are provided in the summary report on title included in the Technical Pack.
The age and condition of the existing buildings means the Property is a prime conversion opportunity, subject to securing the necessary planning permissions.
A summary of the relevant national and local planning policies and designations is set out below:
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied.
Chapter 5 entitled “Delivering a Sufficient Supply of Homes” states that provision of affordable housing should not be sought for residential developments that are not major developments, other than in designated rural areas. Major development is defined as development where 10 or more homes will be provided.
Chapter 11 entitled “Making Effective Use of Land” states that planning decisions should give substantial weight to the value of using suitable brownfield land within settlements for homes and other identified needs.
Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan 2014-2034
Plymouth and South West Devon’s Joint Local Plan establishes a strategic framework for sustainable growth and the management of change, providing the statutory development plan for Plymouth, South Hams and West Devon.
Policy SPT1, entitled “Delivering sustainable development” states that “the effective use of land is made for development through optimising reuse of previously developed sites, therefore reducing the need for greenfield development, protecting natural assets and creating opportunities for viable low carbon energy schemes.”
Millfields Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
The Property is situated within the Millfields Conservation Area. The Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (dated 2007) refers to the Property on page 11. It confirms that the Ascot Building, the Maintenance Building and the Food Technology Centre make a positive contribution to the Conservation Area. St Dunstan’s Abbey is referred to in this document as a listed building.
Playground Planning Permission
Plymouth City Council granted full planning permission on 3rd July 2019 for a new car parking area and associated works, including new paths and steps and landscaping to replace the existing playground area. The approved Car Park Plan (P924-03 Rev B) shows 25no. spaces in two rows. Condition 2 of the permission states that the development shall commence within 3 years of the date of the permission.
Plymouth City Council’s CIL Charging Schedule was adopted in June 2013. The relevant rates to be applied to new floor space for planning permissions granted in 2021 are set out below:
• Residential - £44.59 per square metre applied against the gross internal floor area of all new dwellings exceeding 100 sq m.
Existing “in-use” buildings act as a credit or offset on the chargeable development CIL charge. Each square metre of existing buildings on the Property reduces the CIL by one square metre. The definition of “in-use buildings” are those that are present on the day that planning permission is granted and that have been in lawful use for a continuous period of at least six months within the period of three years, ending before the planning permission for development was granted. All of the existing buildings were in continuous use for a number years up until July 2021, when the Prep School was relocated to the main College site.
Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority.
The Property benefits from mains drainage, electricity and water supply. A low pressure gas main crosses the playing field from east to west and we understand that the Ascot Building benefits from an existing supply.
Search results from the utility providers, showing the location of services in relation to the Property, are provided in the Technical Pack.
Each building, excluding the Chapel (which is exempt due to its listed status), is separately rated for energy performance and the EPC ratings range from C-G. The EPCs for the relevant buildings are provided in the technical pack.
The Seller currently contributes 10.64% of the total cost of the management and maintenance of the common areas of the wider Millfields Estate, including the private roads and landscaped areas and the manned security located at the entrance, off Clarence Place.
Offers are invited for the entire property on an unconditional basis.
It is proposed that any sale of the Playing Field will include an overage provision, details of which are set out in the Submission of Offers document in the Technical Pack.
The Property is available on a private treaty basis. The Seller reserves the right to set a closing date for offers at a later date.
The Property falls within the jurisdiction of Plymouth City Council.
Plymouth City Council Ballard House
West Hoe Road Plymouth
Tel: 01752 668000
Strictly by appointment with the joint sole selling agents, Monk & Partners and Savills.
A Technical Pack is available to interested parties upon request, which will include:
• Location and site plans
• Title information
• EPCs
• Floor Plans
• Photographs
• Millfields Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
• Planning documents in relation to the new car park
• Results of service enquiries
• Submission of offers document
For further information please contact:
John Slade
01752 255222
07770 653516
Rhiannon Charles
01392 455746
07807 999856
Nick Jones
01392 455712
07812 965382