Following on from the successful letting of two of the four units at Plymouth City Councils direct industrial development scheme at Roborough, Haxter Court, Monk & Partners have now let the remaining two units.

With 15,000 already let, the remaining two units each of circa 3800 sq ft have been let to Plymouth Argyle Football Club and DRW Flooring both of which are relocating from existing smaller premises in Scott Business Park and Faraday Mill Business Park respectively.

John Slade comments, “ it is good to see local companies expanding their presence in Plymouth further underlining the strength of business in the area. However, industrial units remain a scarce commodity with very limited stock available at present. We are involved in a number of other schemes elsewhere in the Plymouth and Saltash areas which will be coming through in the next 6 – 12 months with a range of unit sizes available from 750 sq ft up to 12,000 sq ft”.